
Dark Hollow Studios

is the home of the studio group, Mucaro. The studio has moved and offers recording services on a limited basis. I will do simple record or tape transfers to CD, some video work and full blown projects will be considered. Contact Dennis Robinson or Jim German through our Facebook pages or through the Studio Site there. For now this site is mainly about the promotion of Mucaro's music which you can listen to under the Music tab above.

A Little History

The studios initially started out in Oklahoma back in the 90's with Scott Hill and Jim German experimenting with two cassette tape players to overdub with. Needless to say the quality was pretty bad and soon I bought a 4-track cassette recorder and the real recording began. Those days were a lot of fun and I learned a lot about mixing and recording in general but it soon gave way to the early digital recording software. Of course the sound was a lot better but the programs were hard to configure, buggy and when the Cakewalk recording software came along it was a Godsend. After moving to Attica Kansas I soon hooked up with Dennis Robinson and we started recording together along with Shayne Hayes in the early days. It proved to be a productive and very creative partnership that lasted for a lot of years. I've stuck with Cakewalk through the years and many upgrades, added mixers, plugins, monitering system and just a ton of other tools, mics, stands etc. and now the system is fairly cutting edge for a home studio. Dennis and I have always called what we turn out "glorified demos" but the truth is the sound is really pretty good. We've had a lot of fun, spent countless hours recording, recorded and played on other peoples albums, done some live recordings and more. It's been a great ride so far.